Sunday, March 18, 2012


                MY RANT-WARNING IF YOU DON’T LIKE THIS, TOO BAD, UNFRIEND ME OR DONT READ. I AM TIRED OF BEING WHO EVERYONE WANTS ME TO BE!    Being a  Christian doesn’t mean I have to do everything right.   I don’t have to make all the right decisions, I don’t have to make all the right choices, I don’t have to measure up to other peoples standards of what I should act like to be a proper Christian.  Ask yourself to consider walking a mile in someone elses shoes before you judge them based on their behavior.  Only Jesus knows our hearts.  I am so sick and tired of religious Christians who judge other Christians and non-Christians based on their performance.  And do so with the tag that  “I’m only speaking the truth in love” “God wanted me to tell you” and “I just wanted to help you in your walk”.  Behaving like this is to behave like a Pharisee.  Do you recall what Jesus thought of the Pharisees? He loved the Prostitutes and the tax collectors, but was disgusted by Pharisees.  Have you taken any time to think or care about the heart of the matter….LOVE, the love of God changes people. NOT YOU! So many people walk around with Christian titles and yet rarely live up to the biblical responsibility and accountability that comes with this position and can sometimes only be interested in your ability to perform and have “vision” and somehow forget about you. And as far as ministry in concerned sometimes the flock are those who should be served by the Shepard, not the other way around, look at Jesus as our example. You may tell yourself that your “helping” (really?) Never considering someone may be suffering and going through a tough time, so their behavior could be an indicator of a broken heart.  NOT because they don’t love Jesus, NOT because they are being punished for their sins, simply because we live in a fallen world. If you’ve never been tried by the fires of persecution and heartbreaking tribulation HURTING PEOPLE DO NOT WANT YOUR ADVICE. The last thing they need is religion or judgement, Or the 5 steps to being a better Christian. And they NEVER EVER need pat Christian statements and “Christianese” to help them. The bible reminds us to consider the fact that we shouldn’t try to take the spec out of our brothers eye, when we have a HUGE log in our own. Guess what I am a Christian and I’m ANGRY! Myself and my family have been through hell and back! And for the most part “the church” has abandoned and judged us without ever caring beyond what they could attain for themselves based on our giftings.  They have become the source of unending pain and anguish on top of what we were already going through. Did I mention I was angry? Jesus can handle my anger and my pain and in His grace and mercy my bad attitude right now. He knows my heart and those of my Husband and children. He is there for us when Christians who are supposed to be more above reproach treat us worse than our enemies. I am sick, sick, sick, and when I’m not sick I am tired. I am sick and tired of this, and God doesn’t care if I feel this way, He understands and loves me anyway.